About Me

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My name is TK, and although I don’t like to live under the pressure of being defined as something specific, you could call me a Dog Mom, a writer, and a reseller.

This blog will be a messy mix of all things life and reselling.

Thanks for stopping by and please let me know if there’s anything you’d love to see!

11 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hey Tara,

    This is definetely a blog I’ll browse through from time-to-time. I’m looking forward to it.

    Jesse Tovar, classmate for Dr. Lee’s Victorian and Modernism survey course (304).


  2. Hey Tara!
    This already sounds like a blog I’m super stoked to follow! Whenever I’d see you, you always filled the room with such positive energy and big laughs! I look forward to learning a thing or two from you, and I wish you the best of luck on your journey!!❤👌


  3. Yes! Yes! Yes! Killing it already with just “about me!” This…is…gonna…be…dope!
    (Yes, “gonna.”)
    Can’t wait to read more, keep me updated!


  4. Congrats Tara! You have found an amazing way to communicate your pure authenticity as the awesome chica that you are. So proud and impressed with this blog!! Congrats and keep going!!


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